How I tested for HTTP verb tunneling using Akto?

How I tested for HTTP verb tunneling using Akto?

Introduction -

In the realm of web application security, protecting APIs against potential vulnerabilities is crucial. One such vulnerability is HTTP verb tunnelling, where attackers exploit the trust placed in permitted HTTP verbs to perform unauthorized actions. By leveraging the capabilities of, a robust API security testing platform, developers and security professionals can effectively identify and address HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of HTTP verb tunnelling, its implications, and how can empower security testing to fortify API security.

Understanding HTTP Verb Tunneling -

HTTP verb occurs when attackers employ a legitimate HTTP verb to disguise unauthorized actions or leverage unconventional verbs to bypass security controls. For instance, an attacker could use a POST request with hidden parameters to trigger actions associated with a DELETE request. By exploiting this technique, attackers can perform actions beyond their authorized privileges, leading to potential data breaches, privilege escalation, or other malicious activities.

The consequences of HTTP verb tunnelling can be severe for web applications and APIs:

  • Unauthorized Actions: Attackers can exploit HTTP verb tunnelling to perform actions that should be restricted, leveraging the implicit trust associated with the permitted verb. For example, an attacker could perform administrative tasks, delete sensitive data, or modify user permissions.

  • Privilege Escalation: Tunneling through legitimate verbs allows attackers to elevate their privileges, granting them unauthorized access to sensitive information or actions reserved for privileged users. This can lead to unauthorized data access, unauthorized modifications, or unauthorized administrative operations.

  • Data Exfiltration: Attackers may leverage tunnelling techniques to extract data from the server using verbs not intended for data retrieval, potentially compromising sensitive information. They can exploit vulnerabilities to exfiltrate data, such as customer records, intellectual property, or financial information.

  • Denial-of-Service Attacks: By manipulating verb usage, attackers can overload server resources or manipulate server behaviour, resulting in denial-of-service conditions and disrupting services. They can exhaust server resources, causing performance degradation or complete unavailability, affecting user experience and business operations.

Testing for HTTP Verb Tunneling with - provides a comprehensive API security testing solution that helps identify and address HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide on testing for HTTP verb tunnelling using

  1. Define the Testing Scope: Determine the APIs or web applications to be assessed for HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities. Consider the criticality of the APIs and prioritize testing accordingly.

  2. Configure Set up the platform and configure it to target the relevant APIs or endpoints for testing. Provide necessary authentication credentials or access tokens required to access the APIs securely.

  3. Perform Automated Testing: offers automated testing capabilities tailored to detect HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities. It employs a variety of requests with different HTTP verbs, including unconventional ones, to identify any unintended behaviours.

    a. Start by running a baseline scan, where sends standard requests with common HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to the API endpoints. This allows for the identification of any anomalies or unexpected behaviors.

    b. then performs further testing by sending requests with unconventional verbs (e.g., SEARCH, EXECUTE, LOCK) to test the API's behaviour. These requests help uncover any vulnerabilities that may arise from allowing unconventional or non-standard HTTP verbs.

    c. The automated testing module of analyzes the API responses, compares them to expected behaviours, and flags any potential instances of HTTP verb tunnelling.

  4. Analyze Test Results: generates detailed reports highlighting the findings from automated tests. Thoroughly examine the results for indications of HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities, such as unexpected actions, unauthorized access, or irregular responses.

    a. The reports provide comprehensive information about the vulnerable endpoints, the identified verb tunnelling vulnerabilities, and the associated risk levels. Each vulnerability is accompanied by details explaining the impact and potential exploitation scenarios.

    b. Prioritize the vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact on the overall security of the API. Focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to the system and user data.

    c. Review the recommendations provided by for mitigating the identified vulnerabilities. These recommendations may include suggestions for modifying access controls, validating requests more rigorously, or implementing security measures to prevent verb tunnelling attacks.

  5. Manual Testing: While automated testing is valuable, supplement it with manual testing techniques. Craft requests with unconventional verbs and carefully analyze server responses for any unexpected behaviours, data disclosure, or unauthorized access.

    a. Use the knowledge gained from automated testing to create targeted manual test scenarios. Test different combinations of unconventional verbs, parameter values, and request structures to ensure thorough coverage.

    b. Pay close attention to how the API handles the requests and whether it exhibits any unintended behaviours or actions beyond the authorized scope.

  6. Collaborate for Remediation: If HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities are identified, work closely with the development team to address the issues promptly. Collaborate on implementing security best practices, fixing vulnerabilities, and retesting the APIs to ensure successful mitigation.

    a. Communicate the identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and the recommended remediation steps to the development team.

    b. Collaborate on implementing necessary code changes, security configurations, or access control modifications to address the identified vulnerabilities.

    c. After implementing the fixes, retest the APIs using to verify that the vulnerabilities have been successfully mitigated and that the APIs are no longer susceptible to HTTP verb tunnelling attacks.

Conclusion -

As web applications and APIs continue to evolve, robust security measures are essential to safeguard against potential vulnerabilities. HTTP verb tunnelling poses a significant risk, enabling attackers to exploit authorized verbs for unauthorized actions., with its powerful API security testing capabilities, empowers developers and security professionals to detect and address HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities effectively.

By leveraging's automated and manual testing features, organizations can gain valuable insights into their API security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and implement necessary remediation measures. Testing for HTTP verb tunnelling using enhances the overall security of APIs, bolstering defence against potential attacks and fortifying the trustworthiness of web applications.

Remember, staying proactive in API security testing is vital to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data and ensure a safe and secure digital environment for users. With as a reliable security testing companion, organizations can significantly enhance their API security posture and mitigate the risks associated with HTTP verb tunnelling vulnerabilities.

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